Environmental impact
PSE endeavours to reconcile the reliable and efficient operation of the power system with its development whilst respecting the natural environment.

Our every power project meets the legal requirements for the impact of extra-high voltage infrastructure on the environment.

Polish safety standards for electric and magnetic field impact for areas intended for housing and locations accessible to the public are among the most restrictive in the world.

Energy efficiency

At PSE, measures are taken on a regular basis, aimed at increasing the efficiency of energy use. They include increasing energy efficiency in our operating activities as well as in the area of property maintenance and pursuit of campaigns promoting the environmental awareness of our employees.
In accordance with the provisions of the Energy Efficiency Act, in 2019 activities were continued for the purposes of energy audit at the headquarters of our company in Konstancin-Jeziorna and at PSE field locations.
In September 2018, the audit was conducted by an external firm and its results included the specification of upgrade measures as well as outlining other measures aimed at increasing energy efficiency. Some of the audit recommendations are implemented on a current basis while other ones are at the planning stage.
In 2019, an external air cooling system for water chillers was commissioned at the PSE headquarters.
The following activities are successively carried out at PSE:
  • replacement of light fixtures for LED units,
  • installation of motion sensors in toilets,
  • upgrade of the building services and lighting control method, etc.
All those activities gradually contribute to improving energy efficiency of the entire PSE organisation.
The audit also resulted in the assessment of a project planned by PSE, involving the replacement of seven 220/110 kV 160 MVA autotransformers for new transformer units to improve energy efficiency in terms of energy, ecological and economic effects achieved.
According to the audit report, as a result of the replacement of seven 220/110kV autotransformers, the total losses should be reduced by 3,336,770.615 kWh of final energy, i.e. 8,341,926.537 kWh of primary energy and the CO2 emissions will be reduced by 2,702.784 tonnes/year. In percentage terms, the reduction of losses and reduction of CO2 emissions will amount to 46.1%. The autotransformers are scheduled for delivery in 2020-2024.
GRI 302-1 Total energy consumption in the organisation 2019 2018
Total consumption of fuels from non-renewable sources at Konstancin-Jeziorna and PSE field locations:   34,059   35,446
- Petrol   14,716   15,536
- Diesel oil   11,937   11,730
- Natural gas   7,406   8,180
Total heat consumption   13,115   13,713
Total electricity consumption at Konstancin-Jeziorna and at PSE field locations 10,889 39,201 13,169 47,408
Total energy consumption (total fuel consumption + total heat consumption + total electricity consumption at Konstancin-Jeziorna and PSE field locations)   86,375   96,567
Electric energy losses in the transmission process 1,476,221 5,314,396 1,611,270 5,800,572
Electrical substations 44,381 159,772 43,210 155,556
Total electricity sales 1,842 6,631 2,413 8,687