Ensuring the operational security of the system significantly contributes to Poland’s economic growth, which is reflected in increased income and life qualify of Poles. Such impact of PSE on economic growth is possible owing to the company’s cooperation with numerous enterprises.
As a contributor of taxes and other levies, we have a positive impact on the local, regional and national budgets, enabling many significant projects to be financed.
- Management of the Polish Power System operation;
- Contractors for new build, upgrade and repair projects performing work on grid assets;
- Management of human resource and active cooperation with the company's environment.
Added value generated in the economy
Employees hired and new jobs created
Wages paid
- Direct dimension – resulting from PSE’s core activity.
- Indirect dimension – generated among counterparties and entities from related industries.
- Induced dimension – a further growth generated by an increase in household income.
PSE’s impact on the Polish economy in 2019

PLN 2.75 bn
value added


more than
PLN 203 m

more than
PLN 2 bn
value added

7 807

more than
PLN 346 m

PLN 619 m
value added


more than
PLN 117 m
Generated value added
- revenue from sales of own products (goods and services)
- change in the balance of products
- manufacturing cost of products for internal purposes
- trade margin on goods purchased for resale
PLN 5.39 bn – total value added generated in the Polish economy in 2019 owing to PSE’s activities.
- PLN 2.75 bn – the direct value added generated by PSE in the power sector.
- In the industries in which PSE purchases equipment, materials and services, and in related industries, the company contributed to the creation of a total value added of more than PLN 2 bn.
- The wages paid to PSE employees, employees of counterparties and subcontractors in the whole chain of supply made it possible to create an induced value added in 2019 in the amount of PLN 619 m.

PLN 667 m – total value of wages created in the Polish economy in 2019 owing to the activities of PSE.
- The total amount of net wages at PSE was more than PLN 203 m in 2019.
- Owing to purchases from our suppliers and links in the economy between different branches, suppliers and sub-suppliers could pay wages to their employees in the amount of more than PLN 346 m.
- The national economy saw a further increase in wages resulting from a growth in household income and consumption. These are wages generated in an induced manner. Their total amount in 2019 was more than PLN 117 m.
Every zloty spent on net wages in PSE generates more than 2 zlotys in wages generated in the whole economy.

13,427 – the total number of jobs maintained in the Polish economy in 2019 owing to PSE’s activities.
- In 2019, the average staffing at PSE was 2,436 employees.
- By awarding contracts for the implementation of new build, upgrade and repair projects, and cooperation with many suppliers and sub-suppliers, and in sectors related to them, we maintain 7,807 jobs in different industries.
- The induced effect of PSE’s activities is 3,184 jobs across the economy.
1 job in PSE is more than 4 additional jobs across the economy.

Taxes and charges
PLN 942.5 bn – the total amount of taxes, charges and social security contributions paid by PSE to the state budget, local government budgets and the Social Insurance Fund in 2019. It is more than twice the annual spending on the “Maluch+” programme under which a network of nurseries and children’s clubs is being expanded.
PLN 223.8 bn – total amount of payments in respect of income taxes (PIT and CIT) in 2019.